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5k? bodyrock.

this morning my mom and i ran a “5k” for breast cancer. it was put on by one of the sororities on campus. it ended up being only 2 miles, yet they called it a 5k. weird. we finished at a strong 18 minutes. i was kind of bummed that it ended so soon, but thats okay..i donated to a good cause & got a neat shirt.

i also did this bodyrock workout this afternoon. i finished in 15 minutes and 7 seconds. 🙂
i think i might try to do bodyrock workouts 3-4x a week. they are short & intense enough to push me without wasting my precious time in the gym.

which reminds me..

…so this is pretty much the last week of october.

what?!? time…you are going by way too fast.

although, i wouldn’t mind being done with school.

but….that means christmas is coming soon.

i should probably schedule myself more hours.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Christie Nibaur
    October 24, 2011 at 7:16 pm

    I ended doing Killer Buns and Thighs – Jillian M DVD level 2. It was intense. There are many new moves in it….Mom

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